Establish a Regular Bedtime Routine for Your Child


As a parent, you know that getting a good night’s sleep is essential for your child’s health and development. But if your child is having trouble falling asleep or waking up multiple times during the night, you may be wondering how to create a regular bedtime routine that will help them get the rest they need.

A bedtime routine is a series of calming activities that you do with your child before bed. It can help them wind down from the day and prepare for sleep. A regular bedtime routine can also help your child learn to fall asleep on their own and stay asleep through the night.

Benefits of a Bedtime Routine

There are many benefits to establishing a regular bedtime routine for your child, including:

  • Improved sleep quality: A bedtime routine can help your child fall asleep more quickly and stay asleep longer. This can lead to improved daytime mood, behavior, and concentration.
  • Reduced stress: A bedtime routine can help your child wind down from the day and relax. This can reduce stress and anxiety, which can make it easier for them to fall asleep.
  • Increased self-soothing skills: A bedtime routine can help your child learn to fall asleep on their own. This is an important self-soothing skill that can help them cope with stress and anxiety throughout their lives.
  • Stronger parent-child bond: A bedtime routine can be a special time for you and your child to connect and bond. It can be a time for you to read stories, sing songs, or just talk.

How to Create a Bedtime Routine

There is no one-size-fits-all bedtime routine that will work for every child. The best way to create a bedtime routine is to experiment and find what works best for your child and your family. Here are some tips to get you started:

  • Start early: The earlier you start establishing a bedtime routine, the better. This will help your child get used to the routine and make it more likely that they will stick to it.
  • Be consistent: It is important to be consistent with your bedtime routine. This means doing the same activities in the same order at the same time each night.
  • Make it relaxing: The goal of a bedtime routine is to help your child relax and wind down from the day. Choose activities that are calming and soothing.
  • Be flexible: There will be times when you need to adjust your bedtime routine. For example, if your child is sick or has a late night, you may need to go to bed later or skip some of the activities.
  • Be patient: It may take some time for your child to adjust to a new bedtime routine. Be patient and consistent, and eventually they will get the hang of it.

Common Challenges

There are a few common challenges that parents may face when trying to establish a bedtime routine for their child. These challenges include:

  • Your child resists the routine. If your child resists the bedtime routine, it is important to stay calm and consistent. Do not give in to their demands, and do not let them negotiate the routine.
  • Your child is too excited to fall asleep. If your child is too excited to fall asleep, try to do some calming activities before bed, such as reading a story or singing a song. You may also want to try turning off all electronics and dimming the lights in their bedroom.
  • Your child wakes up during the night. If your child wakes up during the night, try to soothe them back to sleep without picking them up. You can pat their back, sing them a song, or rub their tummy. If they are still having trouble sleeping, you may need to take them to the bathroom or give them a drink of water.


Establishing a regular bedtime routine can be a challenge, but it is worth it in the long run. A bedtime routine can help your child get the rest they need to thrive. If you are having trouble creating a bedtime routine for your child, talk to your pediatrician. They can help you develop a routine that is right for your child and your family.


1. How long should a bedtime routine be?

A bedtime routine can be as short as 15 minutes or as long as an hour. The length of time will vary depending on your child’s age and needs.

2. What activities should I include in my child’s bedtime routine?

Some common activities that you can include in your child’s bedtime routine include:

  • Taking a bath or shower
  • Brushing teeth
  • Getting dressed for bed
  • Reading a story
  • Singing a song
  • Saying prayers or affirmations
  • Giving your child a hug